SSH Keypair Setup

When you want to connect to a remote machine, the method is called “Secure Shell”. This creates a connection between the local machine (where your terminal window lives) and the “remote” machine (where the commands you will send actually execute). In order for the local and remote machines to authenticate (trust) each other, we have to create a special password-like files called a keypair. It is called a keypair because there is a public version and a private version. Read more about SSH Keys.


NOTE: You only need to create your ssh public/private keypair one time only. If you already have a public/private keypair on your laptop let us know.

See your key files

  • Open a terminal if not already open

  • Change to your .ssh directory

    • This is a hidden directory so if you list your files using ls you won’t see it. For seeing all files, use ls -la.
    • To change into the .ssh directory type cd .ssh
  • Type pwd to print your current working directory.

    • Windows users in Powershell will see:

      PS C:\\Users\\your_name\.ssh> pwd
      PS C:\\Users\\your_name\.ssh>
    • Mac users will see:

    • Linux users will see:

      $ pwd

Next, we need to open the new key file we just made.

  • Type ls to list the files in the directory.

    • What is displayed may look different. You will not have a config file unless you have already created one.
  • Type ls -la to list all the files in the directory, even the hidden ones.

    • What is displayed may look different. You will not have a config file unless you have already created one.

Get your public key info

  • The file id_rsa is your private key and this file will not leave your computer.

  • The file is the public key, whose contents we will upload to cloud services so you authenticate.

  • The known_hosts is a file that gets generated as you connect to different remote systems.

    • This is useful so you know you are connecting to the same server as previous times.
    \$ ls -la
    total 32
    drwxr-xr-x  6  your_name staff   192 May 29 20:39 .
    drwxr-xr-x+ 75 your_name staff  2400 May 30 13:35 ..
    -rw-r--r--  1  your_name staff   181 May 29 15:50 config
    -r--------  1  your_name staff  3243 May 29 15:50 id_rsa
    -rw-r--r--  1  your_name staff   742 May 29 15:50
    -rw-r--r--  1  your_name staff   363 May 29 20:42 known_hosts
  • View the contents of your public_key file by running the command cat

    • What is shown is a sample public key, yours will be different
    \$ cat
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCnKuIRXwZu0JZH0/Q2XNrYYTaJT7bMtXGhGQaSSOZs6MhQ4SkSbHiygO7RauQf741buLnASzY27GKMMMml6InwfxJWrF60KhNK0r869POQkuZa9v9/cmYcEIzmAJe1xRPABEZ2yfbTG9Wq4sg9cU0mwt1Bx7wiN4QNf0Bak62EC8JWTbcKLduuzO1zabIb5xW9gfR9b4K3HwmqRLl18S8bNsfYQZfvtlwd0mCWQUeuEGbDOgqh//nLIj6DeXdyxbD5xrz79iOAuAK2nXAjNCEtKpxNGQr2Py7aWQjlH+U5laDEHVg4hzmBY7yoZ5eC3Ye45yPqpQA1y8JrbXVhPJRP User\@WinDev1802Eval

Extracting your public key

  • Open a text editor (Notepad on Windows or Textpad on Mac, NOT MICROSOFT WORD) and select the output of your terminal with all the text from the ssh-rsa beginning all the way to the end, and paste it in your text editor as-is. We will use this in the next step.

    • You can also just copy/paste from your terminal screen.
    • On a Mac, you can also copy the contents of the file using
    pbcopy <