Lecture 7

Spark UDFs and Project Introduction

Amit Arora, Abhijit Dasgupta, Anderson Monken, and Marck Vaisman

Georgetown University

Fall 2023

Agenda and Goals for Today


  • Spark Diagnostics
  • Spark UDFs
  • Project


  • Spark on Sagemaker
  • Spark DataFrames
  • Spark UDFs

Logistics and Review


  • Assignment 5: DuckDB & Polars Due Oct 2 11:59pm
  • Lab 6: Intro to Spark Due Oct 3 6pm
  • Lab 7: Spark DataFrames Due Oct 10 6pm
  • Lab 8: SparkNLP Due Oct 17 6pm
  • Assignment 6: Spark (Multi-part) Due Oct 23 11:59pm
  • Lab 9: SparkML Due Oct 24 6pm
  • Lab 10: Spark Streaming Due Oct 31 6pm
  • Lab 11: Dask Due Nov 7 6pm
  • Lab 12: Ray Due Nov 14 6pm

Look back and ahead

  • Searching Slack for existing Q&A - like StackOverflow!
  • Spark RDDs, Spark DataFrames
  • Now: More Spark and Project
  • Next week: SparkNLP and more Project

Spark: a Unified Engine

Connected and extensible

Caching and Persistence

By default, RDDs are recomputed every time you run an action on them. This can be expensive (in time) if you need to use a dataset more than once.

Spark allows you to control what is cached in memory.

To tell spark to cache an object in memory, use persist() or cache():

  • cache(): is a shortcut for using default storage level, which is memory only
  • persist(): can be customized to other ways to persist data (including both memory and/or disk)
# caches error RDD in memory, but only after an action is run
errors = logs.filter(lambda x: "error" in x and "2019-12" in x).cache()

Review of PySparkSQL Cheatsheet


collect CAUTION

Review of htop

htop top section explanation

htop bottom section explanation


Spark Diagnostic UI

Understanding how the cluster is running your job

Spark Application UI shows important facts about you Spark job:

  • Event timeline for each stage of your work
  • Directed acyclical graph (DAG) of your job
  • Spark job history
  • Status of Spark executors
  • Physical / logical plans for any SQL queries

Tool to confirm you are getting the horizontal scaling that you need!

Adapted from AWS Glue Spark UI docs and Spark UI docs

Spark UI - Event timeline

Spark UI - DAG

Spark UI - Job History

Spark UI - Executors

Spark UI - SQL

Demo of Spark UI Diagnostics in AzureML

PySpark User Defined Functions

UDF Workflow

UDF Code Structure

Clear input - a single row of data with one or more columns used

Function - some work written in python that process the input using python syntax. No PySpark needed!

Clear output - output with a scoped data type

UDF Example

Problem: make a new column with ages for adults-only

|room_id|   guests_ages|
|      1|  [18, 19, 17]|
|      2|   [25, 27, 5]|
|      3|[34, 38, 8, 7]|

Adapted from UDFs in Spark

UDF Code Solution

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col

   def filter_adults(elements):
   return list(filter(lambda x: x >= 18, elements))

# alternatively
from pyspark.sql.types IntegerType, ArrayType
def filter_adults(elements):
   return list(filter(lambda x: x >= 18, elements))
|room_id| guests_ages    | adults_ages|
| 1     | [18, 19, 17]   |    [18, 19]|
| 2     | [25, 27, 5]    |    [25, 27]|
| 3     | [34, 38, 8, 7] |    [34, 38]|
| 4     |[56, 49, 18, 17]|[56, 49, 18]|

Alternative to Spark UDF

# Spark 3.1
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, filter, lit

              filter(col('guests_ages'), lambda x: x >= lit(18))).show()

Another UDF Example

  • Separate function definition form
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import LongType

# define the function that can be tested locally
def squared(s):
  return s * s

# wrap the function in udf for spark and define the output type
squared_udf = udf(squared, LongType())

# execute the udf
df = spark.table("test")
display(df.select("id", squared_udf("id").alias("id_squared")))
  • Single function definition form
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
def squared_udf(s):
  return s * s
df = spark.table("test")
display(df.select("id", squared_udf("id").alias("id_squared")))

Can also refer to a UDF in SQL

spark.udf.register("squaredWithPython", squared)
select id, squaredWithPython(id) as id_squared from test
  • Consider all the corner cases
  • Where could the data be null or an unexpected value
  • Leverage python control structure to handle corner cases


UDF Speed Comparison


  • Serialization/deserialization (think pickle files)
  • Data movement between JVM and Python
  • Less Spark optimization possible

Other ways to make your Spark jobs faster source:

  • Cache/persist your data into memory
  • Using Spark DataFrames over Spark RDDs
  • Using Spark SQL functions before jumping into UDFs
  • Save to serialized data formats like Parquet

Pandas UDF

From PySpark docs - Pandas UDFs are user defined functions that are executed by Spark using Arrow to transfer data and Pandas to work with the data, which allows vectorized operations. A Pandas UDF is defined using the pandas_udf as a decorator or to wrap the function, and no additional configuration is required. A Pandas UDF behaves as a regular PySpark function API in general.

def to_upper(s: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
    return s.str.upper()

df = spark.createDataFrame([("John Doe",)], ("name",))
|      JOHN DOE|

Another example

@pandas_udf("first string, last string")
def split_expand(s: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return s.str.split(expand=True)

df = spark.createDataFrame([("John Doe",)], ("name",))
|       [John, Doe]|


Scalar Pandas UDFs

  • Vectorizing scalar operations - one plus one
  • Pandas UDF needs to have same size input and output series

UDF Form

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf

# Use udf to define a row-at-a-time udf
# Input/output are both a single double value
def plus_one(v):
      return v + 1

df.withColumn('v2', plus_one(df.v))

Pandas UDF Form - faster vectorized form

from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf, PandasUDFType

# Use pandas_udf to define a Pandas UDF
@pandas_udf('double', PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
# Input/output are both a pandas.Series of doubles

def pandas_plus_one(v):
    return v + 1

df.withColumn('v2', pandas_plus_one(df.v))


Grouped Map Pandas UDFs

  • Split, apply, combine using Pandas syntax
@pandas_udf(df.schema, PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)
# Input/output are both a pandas.DataFrame
def subtract_mean(pdf):
    return pdf.assign(v=pdf.v - pdf.v.mean())


Comparison of Scalar and Grouped Map Pandas UDFs

  • Input of the user-defined function:

    • Scalar: pandas.Series
    • Grouped map: pandas.DataFrame
  • Output of the user-defined function:

    • Scalar: pandas.Series
    • Grouped map: pandas.DataFrame
  • Grouping semantics:

    • Scalar: no grouping semantics
    • Grouped map: defined by “groupby” clause
  • Output size:

    • Scalar: same as input size
    • Grouped map: any size

Project Introduction

Reddit Data!

Reddit BIG data

Data from 2021-01 to 2023-03

Comments 71,786 files (10MB blobs), 749GB, 6,114,480,451 comments (original 7.7TB)

Submissions 26186 files (10MB blobs), 268GB, 892,832,344 submissions (original 3.2TB)

Reddit Background

Comparison of social data infrastructure

Data Dictionary


Detailed requirements will be published in the next week

Deliverable Deadline
Project EDA Milestone 2023-11-06 11:59pm
Project NLP Milestone 2023-11-20 11:59pm
Project Peer Feedback 2023-11-20 11:59pm
Project ML Milestone 2023-11-30 11:59pm
Final Project Milestone 2023-12-08 11:59pm


  • EDA - project plan, initial data exploration, summary graphs and tables, some data transformation

  • NLP - external dataset merging, more data transformation, leverage an NLP model

  • Peer feedback - review another group’s projet and provide constructive feedback on their EDA milestone.

  • ML - build several ML models, compare performance, answer some interesting questions

  • Final delivery - complete output that takes into account feedback given by instructors and peers for your project, improved analysis and work from intermediate deliverables

Next Steps

  • Form into groups of 3-4 students. Register on Canvas by 10/10
  • Discuss potential interesting questions with your group
  • Consider what type of split to the data you will want, do you want to look at a specific subreddit, time period, etc.
  • Think about potential external data to merge with your Reddit data
  • More to come next week!

Lab time!