

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023 at 7:37 pm

The output of the project will be delivered through a self-contained website in the docs/ subdirectory, having index.html as the starting point. You will build the website incrementally over the milestones.

The code to build the website will be in the website-source/ directory.


The website must have the following structure:

  • Landing and project description page - docs/index.html - You are populating this site during the final submission
  • Exploratory data analysis page - docs/eda.html - You are populating this site during milestone 1
  • NLP page - docs/nlp.html - You are populating this site during milestone 2
  • ML page - docs/ml.html - You are populating this site during milestone 3
  • Conclusion page - docs/conclusion.html - You are populating this site during the final submission


  • Your website must be accessible via an index.html file in the docs/folder. You can build the website using the tool(s) of your preference. Choose however you would like to build your website (using quarto, Rmarkdown, editing HTML directly, any other framework, etc.)
  • You can use CSS frameworks, such as Bootstrap, Materialize, or Distill and include external libraries (jQuery, leaflet.js, moment.js, etc.). Layers such as NVD3, Vega-lite, Highcharts, etc. are allowed. Many of these have wrapper packages in R and Python. For example, the package altair (in both R and Python) wraps Vega-lite, and the package plotly (in both R and Python), among other packages, wraps D3. Other packages you may use are any of the htmlwidgets packages in R, bokeh or holoviz (and it’s accompanying ecosystem) in Python, as well as specialized packages for geospatial (leaflet, tmap in R, folium in Python) and networks (igraph, NetworkX, bokeh, plotly).
  • You do not need to make the site public as we will look at it from the repository. You may make it public (just the website sub-directory) using your preferred method.
  • No custom backends (Node.js, Python, etc) and database systems, such as Postgres or MySQL.
  • The communication needs to be effective with clean aesthetics, but you do not need to get too fancy.
  • You may include the html exports of notebooks
  • Note that a raw Jupyter notebook rendered in HTML is not an appropriate webpage for your final submission. The code, computing and guts of your work should not be visible, and the output should be well-formatted and understandable to a non-technical reader. You must link to the appropriate technical files (notebooks, scripts) so that inquisitive minds (and instructors) can go.
  • All data visualizations and tables should be properly labelled, with captions if necessary, and should stand alone without reading through your narrative content. If you are referring to your table or figure in your narrative, it must be of the form Table 1 or Figure 1, and the corresponding table/figure should then have a caption which includes the appropriate table or figure number. See this page if you are using Quarto as your website generator. For other technologies, follow the formats outlined in this page.