Introduction to the week

This week we will continue thinking about confounders, causal diagrams and ways of adjusting observational data to allow for causal inference


  1. Course notes (WIP)
  2. Causal Inference is Not Just a Statistics Problem by McGowan, Gerke and Barrett
  3. Common structures of bias

Laboratory work

Lab 04




  1. Causal Inference in R by Barrett, McGowan and Gerke
  2. Causal Inference: What If (the book)

Optional readings

  1. Causal inference in public health
  2. The C-Word: Scientific Euphemisms Do Not Improve Causal Inference From Observational Data
  3. A Second Chance to Get Causal Inference Right: A Classification of Data Science Tasks
  4. Target Trial Emulation: A Framework for Causal Inference From Observational Data