Project introduction

You will assemble into groups of 3 to 4 students. You will have choice around the type of project you would want to do. Projects can be of two broad types:

In both cases, you will be expected to present your work in a short final presentation, and submit both a final report and a slide deck of no more than 10 slides to describe the work you have done. Reports may be in the form of Quarto documents/webpages/websites, and can incorporate WebAssembly technology (webR or pyodide) to add interactive elements, but no Shiny/Dash/Streamlit applications will be allowed. Slide decks must contain only static material and browser-based interactivity (Javascript/WebAssembly).

There will be a template repository provided, which sets up your projects in a particular standard structure. The projects should be completely reproducible, which means, among other things, that there can be no links to personal spaces that are not publicly accessible, no hard-coded paths and no “magic” numbers. What we will aim for is what is often called a “research compendium”.

Some suggested project topics are provided here, but this is meant to give you an idea of what we’re looking for; you don’t have to do any of these topics, and can choose any topic, as long as the instructor agrees with the scope and depth of your proposed project.

We do strongly suggest that you use a reference manager like Zotero, and create citations in your Quarto documents using it. There should be a reference.bib file in your project which holds all the references you might be using.